A logo is the first impression of any business that it makes over the mind of stake holders whether they are consumers, channel partners or investors. It is the logo that helps an organization to be identified in the market. Therefore, it is essential for an organization to have better looking logo that correctly relates to a business’s brand values and nature of its operations. However, designing a logo is not an activity that occur in a spur of a moment, instead, it took an extensive and longer path to design and brand it in a consumer market.

Designing a logo is not as easy as it looks, it needs a lot of time and effort to think, research and design a logo of any brand. There are few common points the top brands of the world like apple, BMW, Coca-Cola etc. follow in their logo. They all are simple and easy to remember. There are a good number of advertising agencies in Delhi that helps a business to make an attractive looking logo. 

Here are some essential points that every great logo have.

  • Simple: The first and the foremost thing that should be kept in mind while designing a logo that it should be simple. Simple and clean design of Cola-Cola logo is the biggest example of how effective an easy and simple logo can be. The simplest thing can be easily recognizable and so is the logo. Complicated logo will not only make your logo difficult to reproduce and maintain but also lack customers engagement.


  • Distinct: In today’s world, the marketplace is full of competitors and it is very important to hold a unique brand image in the market. For having different image from your competitors you need to have a distinct logo of your brand. Without a distinct logo your clients and customers find it hard to recognize your brand, and most importantly they can choose your competitors instead of choosing you.
  • Relevancy: The logo should always be relevant to your brand and represent your brand’s message. Customers should get the inside theme of your business by just having a glimpse of your logo. Think about the iconic logo of international brands like apple, Nike, BMW etc., all have meaning that relates to the work they are doing.
  • Memorable: Logo of a company should always leave an impression on your clients and target audience. Your logo is your brand’s virtual identifier and it shows how you are going to stand outside your business circle. It should let your customer remember your brand by having a look at your logo and that can be accomplished througn assistance from the best advertising agency in Delhi. 


  • Timeless: While designing a logo of your brand never be too trendy because your logo is identity of your business and trend comes and goes, but when it comes to business, it aims for longevity. Think that will your logo be relevant after five or ten years even more than that because business is established with the aim of reaching heights and you can change it after sometimes just because your logo is out of trend.


  • Targeted: Logo of a brand should be audience centric, it should be designed in such a way that it can impress the target audience. It is not necessary that the logo of a toy brand shows image of toys or word toys in it. The major focus of a designer should be on the colour scheme and font that will appeal the kids.

Therefore, an attractive logo is the identity of a business. As meaningful and creative it would as much it will describe a brand’s identity, vision and legacy.


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