It has always been a tedious task for an owner of a dynamic website to get it optimized for search engine rankings. To get an answer to the query of dynamic websites being not optimized lies within the structure of a dynamic website.     

In the present time database driven websites are very popular to handle website data that contain thousands or millions of records, separately. In a dynamic website, the task of record handling is primarily being done by server side scripting (ASP).   

In the urls of dynamic website there exists a question mark (?) and other characters. The search engine crawlers can’t understand the characters contained within url of website. Below are some examples of website urls are being mentioned that are dynamic in nature.  

However, digital marketing agencies in Delhi in order to promote their client’s dynamic websites uses a variable number of techniques and methods. These techniques used by them are primarily for search engine optimization purposes.         


  • The first primary method to carry out the search engine optimization of dynamic websites is by the medium of CGI/Perl scripts. You’ll need to write a script that will pull all the information before the query string and set the rest of the information equal to a variable. You can then use this variable in your URL address.


  • Another method used by the SEO companies in Delhi is Apache server that has a special rewrite module (mod_rewrite) that let a website’s url to be translated into search engine friendly urls to be easily indexed by the web servers. However the mod_rewrite module doesn’t come with Apache software by default and it required by your web host to be verified to be available on server.


  • Another preferred way to carry out the url rewriting optimization is using a number of softwares that changes dynamic urls into static ones. These software remove query string (?) in the urls and replace them with / in order to make them static and indexed by the search engines.  


  • Another smart technique that digital marketing agencies in Delhi uses to create static pages from the dynamic pages is by putting their links on the static pages. Placing these static pages in the search engines and get a website ranking. However, the limitation of this technique exists with large where millions of dynamic pages exists.


  • The last and the most important method is using 404 method.   An error 404 page simply means that the Web browser could not find the file you requested. And is known as a “page not found” error.


  • But this error page can be used for ranking website on search engines.  A website owner only needs to create a custom 404 page. The trick is that, if the page is not found, the redirect takes the search engine to the custom error page. In the custom error page we examine the URL, and according to the URL we redirect it to corresponding dynamic page.

By employing above mentioned methods, a website can easily be optimized for search engines. 

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